
Ursula Biemann:
"Counter Geographies"

03 Sept. 2010, 12 to 2pm


Universidad Diego Portales
Auditorium Facultad Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño

Av. República 180
Santiago, Chile

Looking at her video essay Sahara Chronicle, the artist’s lecture addresses central questions of clandestine mobility today and the politics of containment which attempt to control it. The increased movement of people and their management through border mechanisms have become two interconnected and very explicit aspects of globalization processes. Diverting the attention from the present fascination with repressive border regimes, her video investigations explore the counter-geographies of undercover operating systems, innovative practices of resistance and migratory self-determination. Entering clandestine, off-track and virtual spaces, Ursula Biemann suggests ways in which artists may inscribe themselves in these symbolic and material spaces.

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